Thursday, October 31, 2019
HRM1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
HRM1 - Essay Example Management, experts have been able to explain the major difference between the two terminologies: Personnel management is more concerned with the administrative aspect of an organization; that is, payrolling, complying with employment legal issues and managing employeesââ¬â¢ administrative concerns; but, Human Resources Management stretched far than that. It includes taking care of employeeââ¬â¢s welfare, psychological motivation, training, legal representation, promotion and even relationship among the employees working together. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à However, history has demonstrated that personnel/Human resources Management arose as a result of the dire need to control the human aspect of a business, which appeared to be the most significant area that could being either successà or failure to any organization if it is properly managed or not (Armstrong, 2006). à à à à à à à à à à This report will focus majorly on the tasks of Personnel/Human Resources Managers in an organization. Japan Airlines, JAL is used as an organizational case study for which the activities of its Personnel/Human Resources Managers would be analyzed and dissected. The findings are compared with the common theories about Human Resources Management. The comparisons and contrasts are laid out, and recommendations are given to explain how the Human component of any organization could be successfully managed. à à à à à à à à à à à à à à A large organization like Japan Airlines with a total workforce of over 50,000 employees requires efficient Human resources Management to be able to successfully management its army of employees (JAL, 2009). The following are the activities of Human Resources Managers at JAL: Recruitment/training: à Human Resources Managers at Japan Airlines hire and train the companyââ¬â¢s horde of workers. The process of hiring is different from other companies: for example, any candidate that would like to work for JAL must be ready to attend up to three interviews.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Windshield Survey of No Highlands Essay Example for Free
Windshield Survey of No Highlands Essay North Highlands, CA is a suburb of Sacramento. This community is made up of a diverse group of people that includes middle and upper middle-income families but there is also a large element of crime, prostitution and drugs. The research will paint you a picture of the good, the bad and the ugly sides of this community so many call home. Boundaries and Housing North Highlands is a good-sized city in Sacramento County that started out as farmland in the 1930ââ¬â¢s and over the next 80 years developed into the community we see today. Boundaries North Highlands was originally zoned for dry farming and grazing. Things started to change in the 1930ââ¬â¢s after the military built McClellan Airbase. The Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission (1974) defined the boundaries of North Highlands as McClellan Airbase to Elverta Rd to the county lines of Placer and Sacramento to the train tracks. From there to Antelope Rd to Interstate 80 at Garfield to arcade Creek to Walnut to Pasadena to Winding Way to the Sacramento city limits back to McClellan Airbase. Housing With the opening of the airbase brought people and growth to the area. A large growth spurt was evident in the 1940ââ¬â¢s when the Plane Haven, North Haven and Highland subdivisions were built. With the opening of Interstate 80 brought more development to North Highlands (Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission, 1974). The airbase officially closed in 2001 and has been converted today into a business park with housing and parks and ball fields. In addition, is also home to the Aerospace Museum of California (Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission, 1974). Today, it seems the economy may be hurting this area as you drive thru the neighborhoods homes are boarded up and empty and some are in need of some much-needed care. The majority of homes were built from the 1930ââ¬â¢s to the 1970ââ¬â¢s with identifiable sub communities Highland, Hillsdale-Foothill Corridor, Auburn and Madison and McClellan Park (Sacramento County Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission, 1974). ââ" ª Estimated median house or condominium value $176,722 (, 2010). ââ" ª Estimated median gross rent $929 (, 2010). The people that live in this housing are very culturally and ethnically intertwined if you live in the neighborhood you might have an Asian or African American family living next door or down the street. They may even be Russian or Indian. Religion is also diverse in this neighborhood but it is predominately Christian. Politically North Highlands is split almost down the middle with Democrats and Republicans with about 1% of the community registered as Independents (, 2010). Total Population 43,215 ââ" ª Caucasian 23,211 (54.4%) ââ" ª Hispanic 10,077 (23.6%) ââ" ª African American ââ" ª 4,609 (10.8%) ââ" ª Mixed Races 2,052 (4.8%) ââ" ª Asian ââ" ª 1,997 (4.7%) ââ" ª American Indian 381 (0.9%) ââ" ª Native Hawaiian and ââ" ª Other Pacific Islander ââ" ª 289 (0.7%) ââ" ª Other race ââ" ª 78 (0.2%) (Neighborhood Scout, 2012). For population 15 years and over in North Highlands CDP: ââ" ª Never married: 31.8% ââ" ª Now married: 45.0% ââ" ª Separated: 3.2% ââ" ª Widowed: 5.9% ââ" ª Divorced: 14.1% (Neighborhood Scout, 2012). Parks and Recreation While exploring the community several parks were seen during the day families were noted in the parks, while evening brought soccer and baseball teams out to the parks as night fell you saw a scarier element of people hanging out yelling obscenities at people, a fight was noted. As the night grew later and the park emptied at one park, an older man was seen making a bed on a picnic table. The parks are well groomed no graffiti noted, grass cut and very green. Garbage was picked up tables clean. The playgrounds are large and in good repair. The recreation Center on Watt has a public pool that appeared well used by the community, as there were many people there at the time. The rec center also offers classes such as cooking, dance, ceramics and English as a second language just to name a few of the many fun things they have listed. Schools, Crime, Employment and Community Services The school district for North Highlands is the called Twin Rivers. According to Neighborhood Scout (2012), there are 56 schools for a total of 31,632 students. ââ" ª Caucasian 30.3% ââ" ª African American 15.4% ââ" ª Hispanic 36.1% ââ" ª Asian 10% ââ" ª American Indian 0.8% ââ" ª Economically Disadvantaged 76.8% During this survey, a couple of the schools were seen and appeared to be in good repair. Children were seen riding their bikes in the parking lot and running around playing. They appeared to be having fun. The Sacramento County Sheriffââ¬â¢s Office, California Highway Patrol and Sac Metro Fire Department protect North Highlands. During this survey fire stations 41, 42, and 112. There was no fire department noted during this survey but I saw a high police presence in the community day and night. The crime rates in this community are a little intimidating with a crime index with 100 being safest the North Highlands community it is 22. ââ" ª Violent Crimes 248 ââ" ª Property 1219 ââ" ª Annual Crimes per 1000 resident 33.95 (, 2010). ââ" ª 100 Registered Sex Offenders (Meganââ¬â¢s Law, 2011). This community is a hard working blue-collar community predominately with most of the community working in construction and retail. Although, the unemployed rate is a whopping 9.5% in North Highlands. Jobs held: ââ" ª Construction 22% ââ" ª Retail trade 14% ââ" ª Manufacturing 10% ââ" ª Administrative and support and waste management services 8% ââ" ª Public administration 7% ââ" ª Accommodation and food service 5% ââ" ª Educational services 5% (, 2010). North Highlands is a very interesting community with a lot of twist and turns. The diversification of this communityââ¬â¢s people adds to its charm. The lower housing cost is a draw for families to the area, but this can also bring an element that brings higher crime rates. I hope that as the economy improves and unemployment declines business will return and grow in this community and crime will decrease and North Highlands will thrive as it did 80 years ago.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Child Labour in Pakistan
Child Labour in Pakistan WHEN I began this article, my reference points for a critique of globalization were the riots in Se- attle and the World Banks newest World Development Report on Pov- erty. Since then, the world has wit- nessed yet another clash between the forces of labor and those of capital. This article deals with the issue of child labor, particularly the case of Pakistan, but within the framework of a new world order defined by the politics of the WTO(world trade organization). The manner in which the activists-gathered from across the world-were treated by the Czech Republic outdid even the manner in which the Seattle police crushed its local protests. However, ultimately, this article argues that demanding social rights-especially labor rights of any sort-in the current international political economic scenario increas- ingly dominated and defined by the WTO and its constituency is a losing battle and that even if these rights were granted in some limited fashion (for instance, by ensuring that chil- drens rights are implemented vis-a- vis labor, by making industries child- free) it accomplishes no more than papering the cracks being pro- duced by a system premised on the existence and perpetuation of inequalities-an intensified and increasingly global capitalism. The World Banks 1997 World Development Report sustains the myth of globalization as the new development strategy-the path to economic well-being. The most recent World Development Report, on the other hand, is forced to deal with the issue of increasing and intensifying poverty across the world. However, in their infinite wisdom, World Bank economists insist that the answer to this is more, not less, globalization or, at the very least, globalisation with a human face. Once upon a time when moore was a young man, the word interna- tionalism was a noble word .. . but now the idea of internationalism has become something to be feared or at- tacked (WTO 1999). Well, Mr. Moore, we can easily explain that: in your youth, internationalism was a word that connoted the solidarity of work- ing people across the world, whereas what we are now faced with is the in- ternationalization of capital. The standoffs and organized boy- cotts and protests, whether in Prague or Seattle or in the form of strikes against liberalization and privatiza- tion across the world, and their after- math expose globalizations reality not as ultimately empowering-or at the least benign-but as a con- sciously institutionalized political project backed by the military and police forces of the advanced indus- trialized North/West. As a political project, then, it can only be countered through political engagement and di- rect political action and not, as has been proposed, through the addition of social clauses within the WTOs mandate itself. This is a contradic- tion in terms because of what the WTO is and the interests it is there to protect and promote. What has emerged systematically from such contemporary and previ- ous critiques of the mainstream development project represented by the World Bank, and the crisis in development inaugurated by the structural adjustment policies of the IMF and World Bank in the late 1970s, is the stark reality that both absolute and relative poverty as well as inequality. Mike Moore of the WTO did his bit for damage control in the wake of the Seattle protests by telling trade union workers that as far as he was concerned there simply was not any contradiction between trade and labor (WTO 1999). Open economies, imperfect as they are have delivered more jobs, opportunities and security to more people than alternatives. Here the veiled reference is clearly to the centrally planned economies because we are immediately informed that countries that have embraced openness and freedom have increased the real incomes of their workers, which in turn has raised labour standards and reduced poverty. Countries that remain closed, remain poorer, underdevel- oped, cut off from the world of rights and freedoms. This is, of course, patently false. The greatest tragedy of the 1990s has been the massive decline of welfare in the countries of Eastern Europe and Central Asia, many of which have experienced increases in mortality, illiteracy, crime, malnutrition, and gende r inequality (see, for example, Palast 2000). What has changed from those early days is that, as far as the capi- talists are concerned, the world is their oyster. Samir Amin (1997) has pointed out that one of the major ef- fects of the globalization of the world economy has been to extend the re- serve army of unemployed persons across the world. And just as the re- serve army of the unemployed within a national economy gave the capital- ist the leverage he needed, vis-A-vis labor, to depress wages, so is the case today for multinational firms in an increasingly globalized world econ- omy. Chossudovsky (1997) -has called this the globalization of poverty. Hence the need for more and better marketing of the free-trade system highlighting its multiple benefits for society at large and for workers in particular. This is, after all, what is called a hard sell. The internationalism and solidar- ity that trade unionists have stood for is suddenly presented as having been in the service of nothing but universal freedom, an essentially lib- eral creed! What Moore is doing, and not coincidentally, is nothing short of conflating internationalism with globalization. The sleight of hand is so seamless, it leaves one breathless. Next, consider the presentation of the trade policy for the year 2000 by the finance minister of Pakistan, in which he declaims, The minister declared that he was confident that the Pakistani nation could rise to the occasion, but note under what conditions he considers this possible: We can do it if every Pakistani-the worker, the farmer, the producer, the exporter, the civil servant, the house wife-everyone- is committed to the cause of exports, but we can not hope to make a break through in exports unless we make our agriculture an industry more ef- ficient; more competitive. A commit- ment to exports becomes the sine qua non of the national interest, and all class and gender distinctions are flattened in its face. It should be noted that this informalization of labor makes unionizing impossible under Paki- stans labor laws. The report also cites 4000 industrial mills as being sick, of which 152 were in the textile sector-one of Pakistans export- oriented sectors. Out of a total of 442 spinning units with over 1 million spindles, 90 were shut down. And that all occurred in one year alone The issue of child labor and the efficacy of ILO conventions must be seen in this context. Recently, the ILO passed its Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour, Con- vention No. 182. Pakistan has yet to ratify it, although nongovernmental childrens rights organizations and movements against bonded labor have been exerting pressure on the government for years. Pakistans minister for manpower (and, signifi- cantly, industries, among other port- folios), Umar Asgher Khan, disclosed early in the year that Pakistan was seriously considering its ratification. Yet Pakistans child labor force is estimated at around 30 mil- lion in the 5-18 age group or 20 mil- lion in the 5-15 age group (Human Rights Commission of Pakistan 1998, 226), most of it in the urban informal and agricultural sectors, However, even those forms of child labor that are covered by these constitutional provisions are not curbed, due to the lack of political will on the part of state elites Neoliberalism has exposed the seams within the historic compro- mise between capital and labor, and with it the ideological and political basis of the ILO. The contradictions inherent in trying to accommodate the needs and rights of workers and the poor in a socioeconomic system based on the accumulation and real- ization of profit and surplus value have now become painfully exposed. The civil-military bureaucracy and the landed elites have benefited under every regime in Pakistani history, with a few shifts in the balance of power between them but no serious threat to their overall status. This has resulted, among other things, in the continuation and intensification of existing feudal structures; there have never been more than cosmetic land reforms under any regime, ensuring that the feudal power structure remains undisturbed. This has severe impli- cations for the incidence and forms of child labor and labor practices in gen- eral. Moreover, labor laws have been draconian, even under the populist socialist government ofZulfiqar Ali Bhutto. It is only recently that NGOs and movements such as the BLLF and the Bhatta Mazdoor Mahaz have been able to pressure the govern- ment to pass a law such as the Bonded Labor (Abolition) Act. Although we cannot look upon this as an absolute victory-laws are, after all, only as good as their implement- ers, and the implementer s are still feudal/tribal elites-this act has enabled thousands of bonded labor- ers to be freed by lawyers working with the BLLF. All these explanations for the exis- tence of child labor have important implications because they form the basis of particular policies designed to address this issue. Thus if child labor is caused by poverty, then we must have poverty alleviation pro- grams and development (once again understood as economic growth). If child labor is part of a vicious cycle that is caused by lack of education or primary schooling, then we must ensure that children go to school. And there are several initiatives, both local/domestic and interna- tional (and usually a combination of the two), specifically geared to address this lack. The real issue is, of course, that child labor is a function of poverty but that poverty is not just an unfortunate feature of life in Pakistan. Poverty is structurally created, maintained, and now under the pro- cess of intensifying. The structural reasons are both domestic and inter- national and, under the current international political regime, are unlikely to be reversed without political intervention. The ILO is an existing institution with a history of work on behalf of labor, but activists, intellec- tuals, and critical development experts need to think seriously about either turning it into a more powerful organization or designing and estab- lishing a new institution that can work as a watchdog on behalf the worlds exploited workers.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Hotel Alka, Varanasi Essay --
Varanasi, the city of temples has 52 ghats on the banks of River Ganges. Hotel Alka is one of the top five hotels that provide one with a memorizing stay along the River Ganges. Located in the heart of the city on D3/23, Meer Ghat between the Dasaswamedh and Manikarnika ghats, the hotel is easily accessible from the Lal Bahahadur Shastri International Airport which is situated at a distance of 25 kms from the hotel. The hotel is much closer to the Varanasi Junction Railway Station that is only 5 kms away from it. Itââ¬â¢s a breathtaking experience to view the beautiful Ganges from all the rooms of the hotel. One can also see splendid sunrise and sunsets, the Lord Vishwanathââ¬â¢s temple, boats floating on Ganges, people practicing yogic asanas and taking sacred bath in the holy river and a serene atmosphere filled with background score of the devotional songs from the balconies, rooms and restaurant of the hotel. One can really explore the River Ganga and Varanasi from hotel Alka. The best feature of the hotel is a huge courtyard and balconies perfect for relaxing and... Hotel Alka, Varanasi Essay -- Varanasi, the city of temples has 52 ghats on the banks of River Ganges. Hotel Alka is one of the top five hotels that provide one with a memorizing stay along the River Ganges. Located in the heart of the city on D3/23, Meer Ghat between the Dasaswamedh and Manikarnika ghats, the hotel is easily accessible from the Lal Bahahadur Shastri International Airport which is situated at a distance of 25 kms from the hotel. The hotel is much closer to the Varanasi Junction Railway Station that is only 5 kms away from it. Itââ¬â¢s a breathtaking experience to view the beautiful Ganges from all the rooms of the hotel. One can also see splendid sunrise and sunsets, the Lord Vishwanathââ¬â¢s temple, boats floating on Ganges, people practicing yogic asanas and taking sacred bath in the holy river and a serene atmosphere filled with background score of the devotional songs from the balconies, rooms and restaurant of the hotel. One can really explore the River Ganga and Varanasi from hotel Alka. The best feature of the hotel is a huge courtyard and balconies perfect for relaxing and...
Thursday, October 24, 2019
A Down-to-Earth Approach Essay
The postindustrial revolution is defined by computer technology. Since 1950, a third technological transformation has been unleashed by the development of the computer. The crucial technology of a postindustrial age concerns information. Computer technology forms the core of an Information Revolution. And, just as the Industrial Revolution did, the Information Revolution is now generating a host of new, specialized occupations. From a workerââ¬â¢s point of view, in the same way that the acquisition of technical skills held the key to success in the past, now workers must enhance their literacy skill as that is valued in the marketplace. The economic reality is that people unable to speak, write, or otherwise communicate effectively face declining economic opportunity. Computer technology has reduced the role of human labor in production. But to those that are able to rise to the challenge of the Information Age, however, the coming decades will bring new opportunities. The information Revolution is changing not just what people do but where they do it. The last economic revolution centralized the work force in factories, a pattern demanded by energy sources and the enormity of the new machinery. Today, however, consultants, salespeople, architects, writers, and other employees in ââ¬Å"new cottage industriesâ⬠can work virtually anywhere so long as they are equipped with computers, facsimile (fax) machines, electronic notebooks, and other new information devices that are increasingly lightweight and portable. Todayââ¬â¢s more educated and skilled workers also no longer require-and often do not tolerate ââ¬â the close supervision that marked yesterdayââ¬â¢s factories. Further, the Postindustrial economy, a productive system based on service work and high technology is by nature an ongoing process. REFERENCE Henslin, James M. (2006). Sociology: A Down-to-Earth Approach, Core Concepts (2nd ED). New York: Allyn & Bacon.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Overcoming the Temptation to Overuse the Internet for Research Essay
Students today face a tremendous amount of obstacles in their day-to-day learning environment that may not have been an issue in generations past. The main problems remain the same as they always have. Time-management is a skill that learners must acquire if they want to turn in assignments on time and make the grades they need to obtain the goals they have set for themselves. Procrastination is a component of poor time management that many students face, which leads to cramming and an increased level of stress. Whereas students faced both of these issues in the past as well as today, one problem that has crept into society that students are struggling with every day is the increasing overuse and reliance on the Internet for research, information gathering, and even general learning. The growing use of the Internet in the recent years has made information much more accessible than ever before. The term ââ¬Å"Google itâ⬠is so widely and commonly expressed that it would be very difficult to find anyone who did not understand. When someone needs information for school, work, or personal use Google seems to be the first and most convenient crutch. Convenience is the foremost reason students go straight to the Internet when they are in need of research sources. Barberio (2004) states, ââ¬Å"the very real possibility exists that students overuse the Internet, much to their detriment and most likely, to the growing consternation of their instructorsâ⬠(p. 307). Even when traditional textbooks are available, they almost always come with some links available to accompany the text with sources on those links easily available. Once students access these links, they no longer have the bountiful wisdom of a librarian to help them sort through it as they could in a traditional library. Setting the parameters for coursework research and requiring credible sources and proper online citation styles is left to the instructors in each subject (Davis, 2003). Professors and universities have concerns for the temptation of cut-and-paste plagiarism and show frustration over the lack of traditional library use and the scholarly research and references libraries offer. Besides the convenience, another reason students rely on the Internet too much is because of the struggles previously discussed. Poor time management leads to procrastination. Procrastination leads students who may have otherwise had the time to do more traditional research, to grasp at the instant gratification that the Internet offers. According to Carter, Bishop, & Kravits (2007), developing good time management skills helps students to finish their work on a schedule and avoid procrastination that helps to lower stress. In order to alleviate the temptation of counting on the Internet for resources, students must address the reasons they rely on it too much in the first place. As far as convenience is concerned, there may be no way around that. The Internet will continue to be used as a resource for gathering quick and ââ¬Å"easyâ⬠information. However, the Internet can be a fine source of professional research and cost-free quality articles, scholarly papers, and official documents. If students today can sort through the vast pages of ââ¬Å"search resultsâ⬠and biased Internet information, and gather un-biased facts from different sources. If they can then take this data and use critical thinking skills to draw intelligent conclusions, the Internet can be a worthy source for their research and learning. Another way to avoid over-using Internet resources would be to schedule a trip to the local library. Students may find it is surprisingly easier to gather information there. Before going to the library, students should be very precise with the information they are looking for, so that they do not waste the time that they have there. Overcoming poor time-management and procrastination would be another way to schedule that time for library research. When building a schedule, it is helpful to obtain some type of planner to help keep track of important goals, assignments, tasks, responsibilities, and deadlines. Schedulers or planners can take shape in many varying forms including the traditional hand-held ââ¬Å"Day runnerâ⬠or notebook, calendars online such as Google calendar, or planners built into mobile phone applications. In addition to keeping track of this information, it is important to break the larger tasks into smaller tasks and prioritize the information to ensure that each task is completed on time. After setting a solid schedule, the next step is utilize tools to help manage time. As a student, there are a number of techniques that can be used to help manage time. These techniques include incorporating to-do lists into oneââ¬â¢s routine and making use of the course syllabus to ensure compliance. Again, breaking the syllabus down into smaller tasks makes it easier to look at and less stressful to comprehend. Copying each week into its own folder in a Word doc on the computer desktop is one example of how to keep track of the syllabus. Students also need to become familiar with the many resources available through the University (Carter, Bishop, & Kravits, 2007). Students face many trials every day when trying to reach their goals. The Internet and its easy access to information without leaving oneââ¬â¢s seat have become extremely tempting as a one-stop shopping for every need that comes along in the course of a day. When students are faced with a research paper, the habit remains to turn to Internet searches as a quick way of gathering this information. Learning how to properly gather this data and to use critical thinking skills is vital if scholarly research is going to be accomplished. Students must also use time management skills so that procrastination is not an issue and time is available for alternative forms of research.
Skyscraper essays
Skyscraper essays When we look outside, we see the world as a very visual place, with many aspects that change what we see. In our cities, the skylines are transformed by towering building touching the sky. The places we live are transformed into works of art, trying to appeal to anybody who sets their eyes upon it, while maintaining a purpose. The world we live in was transformed around the turn of the 20th century. Architect Louis Sullivan, through intuition and innovation, and his prominence in his field, has become the keystone in shaping modern architecture. To achieve what Sullivan did, he had to have the successful early career he had. His background in architecture runs rather shallow, only completing one year of architecture studies at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and then another year at the prestigious art school Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris, France. What accelerated Sullivan was his incorporation with natural plant life and modern theory towards buildings. He partnered with Dankmar Adler to create Sullivan Chicago was the epicenter to a change that is felt today. The Auditorium was one of Sullivans greatest and earliest works, but it was just a beginning. The facade was heavily decorated, as was the interior, yet, Sullivan still established an outstanding purposeful building, achieving design with function. The influence spread, as later architect William Van Alen used decorative intuition with efficient use with the design of the Chrysler Building in New York City. As Sullivans work spread to other cities, the effect was just as great. The Wainwright Building in St. Louis set the norm for taller buildings of present day. The bottom two stories were left relatively undecorated, and set apart from the rest o the building. It was the space for retail outlets of all kinds. The upper seven stories were office floors, while the exterior was heavily decorated with intricate designs and patterns. It...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Healthcare and Immigration
Healthcare and Immigration Final PaperLehi DickeyPUAD 6815 Running head: A MORAL DILEMMA: SHOULD HEALTH CARE AND PUBLIC 1 EDUCATION BE GRANTED TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? A MORAL DILEMMA: SHOULD HEALTH CARE AND PUBLIC EDUCATION BE GRANTED TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS? PAGE 11Final PaperLehi DickeyPUAD 6815March 21, 2013Professor Frank ScottIllegal immigration has been a complicated issue for the United States for the last century and a half. How to best correct America's immigration debacle is definitely a moral dilemma for many people. With the days of Ellis Island steamboats and open-door policies behind us, we are struggling to define the rights of those people who are coming to our country illegally. A multitude of issues arise from this situation: should illegal immigrants be able to work? Should they receive health care? Should they be educated in the public school system? Should they receive welfare benefits such as food stamps and unemployment checks? These, and many more questions are perplexing our government and its constituents.What is the moral and or ethical thing to do? Ethics is a way of being rather than adherence to rules or precepts, or making a string of decisions, but rather refusing to accept whole cloth (Stivers, 2008, p.147). Morality is both subjective and objective, it just depends on what state' it is in from its genesis to its internalization.Morality is subjectively created, then externalized and made communicable, tangible, and therefore objective, and then internalized from the objective state making it subjective as it's held in the mind of the individual. I have chosen to focus my ethical issue analysis on the following public issues: health care and education. The key to being a successful public administrator is to have a balance and control of one's objective and subjective responsibilities. A key question that public administrators must...
Saturday, October 19, 2019
API ( Application Programming Interface) Theory part exam as a Assignment
API ( Application Programming Interface) Theory part exam as a coursework - Assignment Example The protocol achieves this by granting third-party application access to protected content without providing the application with credentials. Oath protocol differs with the Open ID which is a federated authentication protocol (A How-to Guide to OAuth & API Security n.d). The traditional approach in client-server authentication model required a request to access protected resource on the server by the client. Authentication provided to the server through the credentials from the resource owner enabled the third party access resources. In other words, the resource owner had to share its credentials with the third party and this created several problems and limitations such as; The credentials for the resource owner like username and password had to stored by the third party for future use by the third-party Security lapses in password storage required that servers support password authentication Resource owners lacked protection from third-party applications due to unlimited access of resources Resource owners have to change third-partyââ¬â¢s password since they cannot revoke an individual third-party. This means that all third-parties fall prey due to revocation of an individual Any compromise of third-party application leads to compromise of end-userââ¬â¢s username and password. This leads to unlimited and misuse of protected data by that password. This breach in security is addressed by OAuth through an authorization layer and defining the role of the resource owner and the client (third-party). According to this protocol, the third party does not use the resource ownerââ¬â¢s credentials to access protected resources from the server but uses an access token. The access token denotes specific scope, lifetime, and other access attributes offered to the third-party clients through an authorization server and with approval from resource owner. The access token is used by the third-party to access the protected resources hosted by resource server. The thi rd-party APIs have a restricted use to service provided by HTTP as well as managing a handshake between applications. OAuth is a full API access control tool and security solution with a focus on API management such as user management, auditing, throttling, and threat detection. b. Give an assessment of the core issues surrounding identity and APIs APIs apply security approaches through identity, authentication, and authorization. Identification entails encryption of the person making an API request while authorization focuses on validating permission granted to API request users. Authentication confirms the API request users. API key is used to establish identity but not authentication of end users. Through the API key, organizations like Google maps and Yahoo can track their users and keep service volume under control. Identity service operations for API applies three types of service extensions. These are; OpenStack Identity Service Extension, HP Identity Service Extensions, and Rackspace Identity Service Extensions. The three service extensions apply the following Identity Service Concepts; User User is a digital representation of an end user, system, or service that uses API services like OpenStack cloud services. The identity validates the request made by the user claiming to make the call. The end users are facilitated by a log in and tokens to access resources with the option of a tenant provision or tenant ownership. Credentials Credentials refer to validation of data by
Friday, October 18, 2019
Should breastfeeding moms show nipples to the public Essay
Should breastfeeding moms show nipples to the public - Essay Example Beyer Monica successfully brought ought the argument concerning displaying nipples to the public by women during breastfeeding. Using the picture, Monica emotionally connects the readers to the woman and the baby breastfeeding in the picture. The picture gives an idea situation of a woman breastfeeding and exposing her nipple to the public. Monica emotionally connects the reader to the article through involving the actual picture of the scenario. Most of the readers connected to the article because of the picture. Most readers connected the readings and picture of the article to the normal setting in the society. Most people have seen women exposing nipples to the public during breastfeeding. therefore, connecting the actual events in the society and the article created an emotional connection between the reader and Monica, the writer to the article. Beyer Monica argument concerning exposing the nipple to the public during breastfeeding successfully became viral via the internet because of the use of reasoning and logic in persuading the reader. The reader was able to read the article and understand why women ought not to expose the nipple to the public during breastfeeding. Monica logically discusses the aspect of women exposing nipples to the public. Beyer involves to the views of other women that have experienced such incidents before to provide views concerning the argument. The ideas provided by other women in the article assists the reader in making logical reasoning concerning the nipple exposure to the public during breastfeeding.
What health and wellness means to you Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
What health and wellness means to you - Essay Example In a personal context I believe health and wellness are primarily about achieving a broad based and holistic sense of balance dependent on nurturing and taking care of the varied facets of my life, are they physical, mental, spiritual, social, financial, or intellectual that blend together to endow the human life with happiness and peace. Yes I agree that keeping the body free of disease by avoiding unhealthy habits, exercising regularly and eating the right diet are essential to my innate sense of wellness. Yet, this is not the be all and end all of my sense of wellness. For me, staying healthy is about continually striving to strike the right balance between my career and academic pursuits, my commitment to my family and the society, in which I live, my spiritual life and the intellectual aspirations I tend to have. In fact for me all these aspects of my life are closely intertwined and linked to each other, and a deterioration or neglect even in one of them directly translates into negatively impacting the other aspects of my health and wellness. For instance my career pursuits endow me with a sense of security and confidence, and any deterioration in them not only shakes my confidence in my ability to lead a successful and secure life, but also gives way to mental anxiety and stress that may make me eat unhealthy , have sleepless nights, avoid my family and friends, and not able to concentrate on the spiritual side of my personality. Similarly, my association with my family and the society in which I live endows me with a sense of identity and acceptance (Cattan & Tilford, 2011). If for some reason, say too much involvement in my career pursuits, I start ignoring my family beyond what is acceptable and normal, I will eventually become victim of a sense of isolation and mental anxiety, irrespective of the progress I may be excelling in the career aspects of my life. This may also make me develop physical and mental maladies like high
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 66
Marketing - Essay Example Cokinââ¬â¢s opinion in the article, asserts that, through analytics young people can engage in technology, focus on their careers and solve problems all at the same time. A good example of analytics is examining sports and survey polls statistics (Cokins 1). Cokins continues to write on how technology has distant the young generation from traditional socialization. In essence, the identities of young people are changing to the worst because face-to-face contact is on the decline (Cokins 2). The ultimate message in Cokins letter to young, future employees is to focus information technologies, as analysts in solving problems. As analysts, young people will propel business and commerce through applying social media. Social media are important in that they provide fast, efficient and effective learning methods. Additionally, Cokins concurs that, LinkedIn, as a social media is important because of its ability of availing a network of professional contacts. If the young generation appreciates analytics, then they are bound to learn various ways of making decisions, which are fact-based. The above is derived from individuals with analytical skills (Cokins
Thursday, October 17, 2019
The 4 Classical Activities in Client Relationship Management Assignment
The 4 Classical Activities in Client Relationship Management - Assignment Example This paper illustrates that through market orientation, value creation, and use of innovative IT, a firm is able to increase the number of first-time customers. After the purchase of a given product, the business heads for the second goal, retaining the clients. Customer retention is an imperative part of running a business. If customers do not become loyal clients, it becomes difficult to have referrals to the business and even more difficult to make predictions on demand. In other words, a firm must adopt strategies that help retain the customers who already made a purchase. While most customers would come back to buy the same product if they trust the seller as the best dealer of a particular merchandise, customers may come back for other goods and services, which brings about the third classical activity of CRM, extension. In customer extension, customers must be return customers first. This way, they return to buy products they have purchased before from which the firm introduce s them to other products and services. Sometimes the products may not even relate to those they had purchased before. The goal of a firm is to retain them as loyal customers offering them as diverse products as possible. Customer selection, lastly, involves knowing who the target is, what value they bring to the firmââ¬â¢s objectives, their life cycle, and where to find the customers. Without this knowledge, a firm may not make proper decisions in marketing and so on.
Employee Relations 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Employee Relations 1 - Essay Example ive solutions, which will essentially take care of the workplace dynamics as well as bring all of the employees on a single platform, as and when needed. There is a dire need to comprehend where the employees are going wrong as per their work domains and what needs to be changed in order to bring sanity within the organization. If the human resources department feels that there is a lot of negativity at the workplace and that the employees do not feel motivated to do their respective chores, then issues could arise which could turn into potential conflicts at the workplace. Now is the time to make sure that these conflicts would get settled in the best manner possible and that too with utmost ease and understanding on the part of the people who are assigned the very tasks in essence. This paper takes a keen look at the ways under which conflict could be managed as well as draws a line between the ethically right and the wrong as far as the employees within an organization are concern ed. Within the Australian workplace of present times, one can see that conflicts have become a norm. This is because different individuals have varying personalities which they bring to the workplace. Now it is up to them as to how they treat one another as well as their respective work ethos. The conflicting scenarios are a direct result of the interaction or the lack thereof amongst the employees, the peers and the relation that the top management has with the subordinates. Once again the role of the human resources department is of essence as it tries to maintain its writ within the organizational regimes. What is important within this scenario is the role of the organizational processes and tasks which must be completed at all times without any hiccups whatsoever. There must be a cohesive basis for getting things on track without any problems because in the broader context it is very significant to take care of the tasks and processes as they bring in the profits and revenues for
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 66
Marketing - Essay Example Cokinââ¬â¢s opinion in the article, asserts that, through analytics young people can engage in technology, focus on their careers and solve problems all at the same time. A good example of analytics is examining sports and survey polls statistics (Cokins 1). Cokins continues to write on how technology has distant the young generation from traditional socialization. In essence, the identities of young people are changing to the worst because face-to-face contact is on the decline (Cokins 2). The ultimate message in Cokins letter to young, future employees is to focus information technologies, as analysts in solving problems. As analysts, young people will propel business and commerce through applying social media. Social media are important in that they provide fast, efficient and effective learning methods. Additionally, Cokins concurs that, LinkedIn, as a social media is important because of its ability of availing a network of professional contacts. If the young generation appreciates analytics, then they are bound to learn various ways of making decisions, which are fact-based. The above is derived from individuals with analytical skills (Cokins
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Employee Relations 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Employee Relations 1 - Essay Example ive solutions, which will essentially take care of the workplace dynamics as well as bring all of the employees on a single platform, as and when needed. There is a dire need to comprehend where the employees are going wrong as per their work domains and what needs to be changed in order to bring sanity within the organization. If the human resources department feels that there is a lot of negativity at the workplace and that the employees do not feel motivated to do their respective chores, then issues could arise which could turn into potential conflicts at the workplace. Now is the time to make sure that these conflicts would get settled in the best manner possible and that too with utmost ease and understanding on the part of the people who are assigned the very tasks in essence. This paper takes a keen look at the ways under which conflict could be managed as well as draws a line between the ethically right and the wrong as far as the employees within an organization are concern ed. Within the Australian workplace of present times, one can see that conflicts have become a norm. This is because different individuals have varying personalities which they bring to the workplace. Now it is up to them as to how they treat one another as well as their respective work ethos. The conflicting scenarios are a direct result of the interaction or the lack thereof amongst the employees, the peers and the relation that the top management has with the subordinates. Once again the role of the human resources department is of essence as it tries to maintain its writ within the organizational regimes. What is important within this scenario is the role of the organizational processes and tasks which must be completed at all times without any hiccups whatsoever. There must be a cohesive basis for getting things on track without any problems because in the broader context it is very significant to take care of the tasks and processes as they bring in the profits and revenues for
Britain of evacuation in World War Two Essay Example for Free
Britain of evacuation in World War Two Essay During the course of World War Two, many people were evacuated, not just children. There were many differing reactions to evacuation. The reaction would depend on the experience you had. Reactions would also change over time during the war and even after the war had finished. One set of people affected by Evacuation was the Children. Many children did not know where they were going and therefore experienced feelings of fear and anger. The children disliked being separated from their parents but put on brave faces so not worry their families. When the children arrived at their destination, they were taken to school halls of town meeting places where the were chosen by their foster families, which they disliked because often they were split from their sisters and brothers. If they had negative attitudes, they very often did not settle quickly like those who had positive attitudes and would see their stay as a holiday. If an evacuee had a positive experience, they would have pleasant memories of being treated as one of the family. Evacuation was described as no better than a paedophiles charter as it would have been easier to abuse children away from home. However, in a study of 450 ex-evacuees, only 12% of them had bad experiences. Michael Caine remembers being evacuated with his brother Clarence. He said My brother used to went the bed when he was nervous. My foster mother could not figure out who it was so she beat both of us, and Clarence became more nervous and wet the bed more. However, not all experiences were bad. On ex-evacuees remembers being given clothes when he was evacuated. A childs reaction to evacuation would depend on their experiences while in care. Another set of people who were affected by evacuation was the childrens parents. Most parents were reluctant to send their children away but agreed because of propaganda. Not all parents sent their children away though. Some parents thought that their children were safe in their family home. However, most parents brought their children home due to the phoney war. But the children were evacuated again when the Blitz happened, although the scale of evacuation was not as large as the first wave in September 1939. Thanks to the Blitz, many parents changed their opinions on evacuation, now agreeing that it was probably best for their children.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Execution Of Maintenance Work Construction Essay
The Execution Of Maintenance Work Construction Essay Building maintenance is synonym with the building. Building maintenance will be start after the construction of the building is fully completed. After the completion, most of the building need to be maintained because that will be use the building for the long term and maintenance also is implement is to provide and ensure the condition of the building is in a good condition and give comfortable to the users of the building. The building condition in terms of the design, materials, facilities, painting, cleaning and so on in the future either in a good condition, maintain without any changes or the building become worse or not well maintain will depend on the maintenance management. In order to ensure the building in a good maintenance, the organizing maintenance work is an important part in the maintenance of the building. The purpose of the organizing maintenance work is to examine how the maintenance works are organizes in order to maintain the building in a good organizing mainte nance. Therefore, these study presents the results of the ways in organizing maintenance work. INTRODUCTION Building maintenance normally regarded as the Cinderella of the building industry. The maintenance of the built environment affects everyone continually, for it is on the state of our homes, offices and factories that we depend not only for our comfort but also for our economic survival. Maintenance of the building will start from the day the builders and contractors leaves the site of the construction or after the construction is fully completed. Normally, all the building owners wants their building will keep the maintenance to a minimum cost and need the maintenance in a good and effective maintenance. In order to get the effectiveness of the maintenance, organizing maintenance work is required for the maintenance. Organizing is the managerial function of arranging people and resources to work toward a goal. The purposes of organizing include but are not limited to determining the tasks to perform in order to achieve objectives, dividing tasks into specific jobs, grouping job into departments, specifying reporting and authority relationships, delegating the authority necessary for task accomplishment, and allocating and deploying resources in a coordinated fashion (Anton, 2010). As a word, organization can mean an organization that is the process of getting something organized. Different organization will organize building maintenance differently. For example, two different local authorities will not organize their building maintenance work in the same way unless two different organization of the building maintenance will organized the building maintenance work in the same way is if they outsourced the provision of the service to the same company of the outsource contractors (Wood, 2009). British Standard Institution (1964) defines maintenance as work undertaken in order to keep or restore every facility such as every part of a site, building and contents, to an acceptable standard. The British Standard further explain that where there are statutory requirements for maintenance, the acceptable standard must be no less than that necessary to meet the statutory requirements (Seeley, 1976). Maintenance is also defined as any activity such as cleaning, painting and minor repair carried out systematically, on a planned cycle and based on regular inspection (Dann Timothy, 2007). It can conclude that organizing maintenance work is to examine how work will organized to best effect. Consideration will give particularly to the place of statutory control and guidance and the involvement of contractors. The value of the supervision and inspection will explore. The overall aim is to expose methods that are most likely to achieve the desired end-result of satisfactory buildings in which to live, work and play. ORGANIZING MAINTENANCE WORK MAINTENANCE PLANNING The Pocket Oxford Dictionary defines a plan as a method or procedure for doing something on the design, scheme, or intention. In term of building maintenance management, maintenance planning has both a narrow and wide definition. The narrow definition relate to preventive maintenance in the form of planned maintenance programmed. While, wide definition maintenance planning as an essential management tool for controlling all aspects of a building maintenance management operation and will include planned preventive maintenance programmed, planned levels of expenditure on day-to-day and reactive maintenance, disaster planning, and planned strategies of asset management in conjunction with a business plan or corporate plan (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyorsà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¾Ã ¢ Guidance Note on Planned Building Maintenance defines the maintenance planning under five categories that are determining the policy for maintenance, deciding and preparing maintenance programmes and obtaining funds for them, getting the work done, controlling progress of work and budget expenditure, and monitoring the effectiveness of the programme (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). The nature of the maintenance planning in the building maintenance involves determining systems and sequences of operation. This noted that maintenance planning must necessarily involve a level of prediction. The prediction is not only focus on the building stock and the deterioration, but also focus on the future policy of the owners or users of the buildings. The maintenance manager or maintenance department can deal with these uncertainties with a twofold oncoming, which are by collecting and analyzing sufficient information to place as much degree of certainty on the variables as possible and by recognizing that a level of uncertainty will remain and introducing flexibility and review options within the plan (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). The collection of the information is to assist the maintenance manager to predict with some degree of confidence will be in the form of condition surveys of the property, details of costs and cost trends in building, and information re lated to the wider policies of the owners and users of the building. Care in such information gathering will enable the maintenance manager or the person who responsible for the maintenance of the building to reduce the uncertainty and permit effective planning to proceed (Wordsworth, Planned Inspections, 2001). In planning maintenance, an aim of the maintenance manager is to match the available resources with the workload. The effectiveness planning is difficult with this category of work because of the large number of uncertain factors involved. In view of the uncertainties, maintenance planning must be formulated at different levels and constantly revised according to the new information that is put into the system. Long-term programmes medium-term programmes and the short-term programmes were identified as a level of the maintenance planning (Seeley, 1976). SUPERVISION OF MAINTENANCE WORK Supervision is a management activity carried out to ensure that the work as in a plan will carry out correctly and expeditiously as what in the maintenance planning (Wood, 2009). Furthermore, the supervision of maintenance work was executed is to ensure that is of a satisfactory standard and in accordance with the drawings and specification. With the larger contracts, it is customary to employ a clerk of work who is constantly in touch with the job in order to supervise the maintenance work. Besides that, the clerk of work also is responsible to ensure that the maintenance is work as a planning. However, with the smaller contracts or smaller jobs periodic supervision only can be obtained often through the medium of architects, surveyors, inspectors or other supervisory staff (Seeley, 1976). Clerk of work must have an extensive practical knowledge of building materials, principles of construction and the execution of techniques in all trades. As a supervisor in the maintenance work, they need to ensure that all the materials and workmanship are in accordance with the drawings, specification and any other relevant documents. Furthermore, the clerk of work must to avoid their self from making any exorbitant demands or altering details or materials without getting the approval from the architect, surveyor or maintenance manager to whom he is responsible (Seeley, 1976). Besides that, the clerk of work will also responsible to prepare reports for consideration by the architect, surveyor, or maintenance manager. The preparation of the reports might be in the term of weekly, periodic or special reports (Seeley, 1976). Site meeting is also one of the supervision of maintenance work. This is one of the way to organizing maintenance work. Site meetings will hold regularly on larger jobs and are generally convened by the architect, surveyor, maintenance manager or any person who responsible for the supervision of maintenance work. The main objective of the site meetings is to ensure that satisfactory progress is maintained and to provide the opportunity for clearing outstanding points. Supervision of maintenance work is important for the all parties to get involves in the site meeting including subcontractors (Seeley, 1976). Adequate supervision of work to the new construction and of alteration and repair work need as one of the way in the organizing maintenance to ensure that the materials and workmanship comply with the contract particulars and relevant statutory requirements. In the absence of such strict supervision in the maintenance progress, inferior materials, poor workmanship and the omission of important details can occur resulting in subsequent trouble and expense to the building owner (Seeley, 1976). PLANNED INSPECTIONS A planned inspection is a formal systematic check carried out at predefined regular intervals against a detailed list of plant, equipment and activities. According to the Baiche, Walliman and Ogden (2006) work needs to check regularly to ensure compliance with legislative requirements (Wood, 2009). The purpose of the planned inspections is been carried out is to ensure the systematic examinations of all locations, facilities, tools, plants, materials and to observe how these are used by employees and contractors. By carrying out the planned inspections and through taking follow up action on any defects or unsafe working practices noted the maintenance manager or the person who responsible to maintain the building. Critically, planned inspections can effectively contribute to the provision of the safe working environment and reduce the risk of injury to persons, damage to equipment, buildings and to the environment. Furthermore, planned inspections are carrying out for a variety purpo ses including preparation a schedule of the facilities that need to maintain and their present condition, detecting misappropriation from predetermined standards and incipient faults that may result in such deviations developing before the next inspections. Other purposes are ascertaining the cause of the misappropriations, the extent of the remedial work necessary to restore to the required standard and prevent a recurrence of the defect, and the relative urgency of the work. Checking that previous work was done in accordance with the instructions and that the work specified was adequate also is a purposes and the reason why the planned inspections is required to carrying out in the organizing maintenance work (Wordsworth, 2001). The complicated design of the buildings and the great variety of the possible defects makes it necessary fully preplan the inspections and to provide comprehensive checklists to ensure that no part of the building is missed from the inspections. Appropriate criteria also should be laid down for each element, components, or equipments and the types of the inspections needed fully defined and documented. Planned inspections also include details of the form of the inspections (Wordsworth, 2001). For a greater consistency in organizing the maintenance work, special program macros should be prepared for each element and sub element, setting down the essential information required by the inspector with space to record the result and the recommendation of the inspections. For the later processing, a location code is required to assists and gives some information. To facilitate retrieval and computer processing of inspections, the facilities and elements should be grouped according to the lo cation and the periodicity of the inspections (Wordsworth, 2001). EXECUTION OF MAINTENANCE WORK Building maintenance is not a single industry and it can undertake by the outsource labor such as contractors, direct labor that is the in-house maintenance department of the building or combination of direct and outsource labor will maintain the building by own. The decision in choosing the labor either direct or outsource of the maintenance labor will depends on the number of criteria. The criteria is might be in terms of the design of the building, materials of the equipment, size of the building, number of the staff and so on. The structures of the maintenance organizations will examine together with programming and operational activities. Finally, the training of maintenance staff and the operation of incentive schemes are considered. Direct, outsource or contract, or combination of the both labor of the maintenance also one of the way in organizing maintenance work. The decision in choosing the type of the execution of maintenance work should compare the costs and services provided by contractors with the own directly employed labor forced, taking into account the availability of labor and the type and the location of the buildings that need to maintain (Seeley, 1976). Direct Labor Most public bodies have directly employed staff of their own specifically available to undertake building maintenance work compared to the private organizations. These may range from general, multi-skilled, or unskilled, handyman or repair person to a team of operatives with a range of skills. Direct labor usually provide a 24/7 service, or maybe the work from Monday to Friday (Wood, 2009). These individual normally known as a direct labor because the staff employed to execute the maintenance work directly employed as part of the client organization (Wood, 2009). The advantages of direct labor in organizing maintenance work are direct labor allows full control of activities of the maintenance. This type of the execution also should ensure good standard of workmanship by craft operatives who enjoy continuity of employment but recruitment may be a problem. Maintenance manager also can introduce and operate incentives scheme by using the direct labor in their organizing maintenance work. Last but not least, the advantages of the direct labor is particularly well situated for execution of emergency repairs as labor force is familiar with location of switches, manholes, operational services and services requiring particular or unusual skills for which employees can be trained (Seeley, 1976). On the other hand, the establishment of the direct labor maintenance force will require the provision and administration of supporting facilities such as stores, workshops, and transport. Besides that, a high standard supervision also required in order to ensure the quality of the maintenance services and the productivity of the services. Then, the experienced and efficient management also required in order providing effective labor relations and communications. Accounting procedures of direct labor organizations vary considerably and some rationalization would facilitate statistical analysis to general advantage. Nevertheless, direct labor has no debts, no costs of tendering in competition. However, on the other hand, often has a high rate of sickness and its higher ratio of staffs to operatives may exceed the contractorà ¢Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¡Ã ¬Ã ¢Ã¢â¬Å¾Ã ¢s profit element (Seeley, 1976). Outsource or Contract Labor Outsource or contract labor play an important role in maintenance work for keep the building in repair and maintain, and for the larger periodic works. Maintenance of lifts, swimming pools, fire extinguisher and other sophisticated plant mostly required special outsource or contract labor to execute the maintenance work (Seeley, 1976). Outsource or contracts labor will engage and employ when the maintenance work requires a particular skill, experience, or qualification. Furthermore, outsource or contract labors are contracted when the maintenance work cannot be entrusted to an unskilled person as the job or its outcome would be dangerous, potentially destructive or otherwise unacceptable, if not done correctly (Wood, 2009). Most of the construction work including repair and refurbishment will carry out by outsource or contract labor either as small firms or self-employed individuals (Wood, 2009). The advantages by employ outsource or contract labors are they are more professional in the attitude and skills due to expert in the field. Besides that, contract labor also more expose to the new technology skills and knowledge. Contract labor will equip with computer hardware and software packages. Furthermore, reduce the work on the maintenance work. This is because, by employ the contract labor, maintenance manager will not force to the staff and materials to be used in the maintenance work. Finally, it can conclude that it may preferable to confine direct labor to little more than emergency and schedules maintenance, and to use contractors for the seasonal, major and specialist work, although many efficient direct labor organizations would quarrel with this approach. Contractors need long term contracts to give the employer good service on advantageous term. CONCLUSION Building maintenance work is most important thing after the builders leave the site of the construction. The maintenance work is required to keep and maintain the building in a good condition, under control and supervision. The maintenance is not only for the users and for owner comfort but it is also for the economic survival. However, the effectiveness and the quality of the maintenance is depends on the organization of the maintenance in the building to organize the maintenance to best effect. Different organization will organize maintenance work differently unless the different organization will transfer the responsibility of the maintaining the building to the same contract labor of maintenance. Maintenance manager is the person who responsible in organizing maintenance works to best effect to ensure that the building is under the effective maintenance. Maintenance manager also must consider and implement the best way and approach in organizing the maintenance work. This study shows that maintenance planning, supervision maintenance work, planned inspections and execution maintenance work is a best approach to be used in organizing maintenance work by the maintenance manager. It can conclude that, organizing maintenance work will best effect by organize with the maintenance planning, supervision maintenance work, planned inspections and execution maintenance work. Organizing maintenance work will more proper, well organized and more effective and efficient by having the maintenance planning that is the maintenance manager can prepare the plan in long-term, medium-term and short-term levels of planning. Furthermore, supervision also can supervise the maintenance work during the progress. Then, the planned inspections can assist the maintenance manager to recognize the problems on that building. Lastly, execution maintenance work can assists the organization of maintenance building in order to keep and maintain the building more effective and organize by separated and grouping the tasks between direct and contract labor of maintenance.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Perspective :: Essays Papers
Perspective Use of perspective in art finds its root in one man, Filippo Brunelleschi. Although we donââ¬â¢t know for sure, it is likely that Brunelleschi also invented linear, or scientific perspective. Donatelloââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Feast of Herodâ⬠is the earliest surviving example of scientific perspective, which is established through the use of a ââ¬Å"vanishing pointâ⬠, an imaginary single point on the page in which all the parallel lines meet. Donatelloââ¬â¢s Feast of Herod was a groundbreaking work by that dayââ¬â¢s standards, and a complete failure in the fulfillment of compositional requirements of traditional classical or medieval standards. The focal point of the piece, the presentation of St. Johnââ¬â¢s head to Herod, is in the far left corner, and the crowd watching is clustered into the right corner. Upon examination of the action, however, Donatelloââ¬â¢s intention is clear; by placing the people in this way, the gesture and emotion of the scene is more implicit and effective. It is also more clearly established that the scene does not end at the focal point, it in fact continues off into every direction, an impression more clearly made with his use of scientific perspective. This ââ¬Å"windowâ⬠view into the scene was a radical step, and would influence how the picture plane was to be seen from that point on. Another important milestone in the history of perspective is Pietro Perudinoââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Delivery of the Keysâ⬠. Painted in 1482, this work employs a grave, symmetrical structure, a tool he used to emphasize the importance of the scene being represented: The authority of St. Peter as the first pope, and all of his successors, rests on his having received the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven from Christ himself. The onlookers are all rendered with powerfully individualized faces. Equally powerful is the vast expanse of the almost surreal background. The spatial clarity, established by the use of mathematically precise perspective, is the influence of Brunelleschi. Andrea Mantegna was another 15th century painter. He was a prodigy that rendered in paint with skill from the age of 16 on. With the painting ââ¬Å"St. James Led to His Executionâ⬠Mantegna established himself as a person who wasnââ¬â¢t afraid to break with traditional painting techniques, and adds a daring touch by painting from a ground up view of the scene.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
enemy of the people Essay -- essays research papers
à à à à à An Enemy of the People by Henrik Ibsen is a theatrical drama which portrays important characteristics such as honesty, integrity, and courage. All of which could be seen as hazardous to European politics at the time. Dr. Thomas Stockmann is a common man who attempts to create a revolution in his town. With the help of his naturally defiant personality the doctor makes a discovery that he hopes will better the town. This discovery was meant to lead a change in the physical structure of the water source. Instead it created a waterfall of political disaster. Despite numerous stabs in the back and lack of free-thinking, Dr. Stockmann stood tall and never backed down from what he believed in. à à à à à The play is set in a small town in Norway that has just begun to develop the wings it needed to expand and become prosperous. This is in the most part due to The Baths; a business Dr. Stockmann and his brother Peter began, to cure the sick through spa treatments and rest. At the beginning, it seems as though The Baths had just begun to take off. The play is set in the Stockmannââ¬â¢s kitchen where Mr. Billings, a close friend and member of the Peopleââ¬â¢s Herald, is having dinner. He is then joined by Hovstad, also a member of the Peopleââ¬â¢s Herald, and in the absence of Dr. Stockmann they discuss the future of The Baths. The Mayor, who is also Thomasââ¬â¢ brother, stops in unexpectedly to have a word regarding The Baths. Since Dr. Stockmann has not yet arrived home from his walk with his sons; Billings, Hovstad, and the mayor begin to discuss future events. Hovstad explains to the mayor that he can see nothing but good in the future for the town, a nd that Dr. Stockmann had been holding an article he had written that was sure to spark interest in his recent discovery. à à à à à At this point it is obvious that the relationship between Dr. Stockmann and his brother Peter is not the strongest. They seem to struggle on seeing eye-to-eye on several issues. Before Dr. Stockmann arrives home, his wife Katherine is comforting Peter, since he has taken great offense to Hovstadââ¬â¢s comment about The Baths being Thomasââ¬â¢ discovery. Dr. Stockmann arrives and is pleasantly surprised to see another dinner guest, Captain Horster, on his way in. His friends and brother have been awaiting him. A string of many arguments betwee... ...rrive home from school early because they have received a notice. Dr. Stockmann reassures his family that everything will be ok. He will host a school in the same room where he was branded an enemy of the people, and raise the poorest boys to drive out the wolves. Katherine worries that the wolves may drive him out of town, but Thomas reassures her that they donââ¬â¢t stand a chance. The doctor has made another great discoveryâ⬠¦that the strongest man stands alone. à à à à à It is intrigue in way of heroism that draws many of us to good novels such as this. By using Dr. Stockmann as a strong hearted individual who stands up for what he believes in, Ibsen has captivated many readers such as myself. I believe that many of the ideals that we as a society deem to be virtuous in a man are possessed by Dr. Stockmann in this novel. His strong will in the face of everyone trying to bring him down is a depiction of someone who stands up for what they believe in. As you look back on what youââ¬â¢ve read, you get a strong grasp of Dr. Stockmannââ¬â¢s ideology and it is something to admire, which combined with an interesting plot and well written scenes, makes for an exceptional novel.
Friday, October 11, 2019
A Note on the Cuban Cigar Industry – 1
ââ¬Å"A Note on the Cuban Cigar Industryâ⬠1. Threats of new entrants: Product differentiation is major player in the market of Cuban Cigars, with certain brands being linked to prestige and honor. Also, restrictions from the world make it difficult for new entrants, because of trade embargos put in place by a majority of the most powerful countries in the world, including the United States. Power of suppliers: Cigar industry is dominated by two major suppliers, Altadis and Swedish Match, which control the distribution of Havana cigars and Cuban branded names, with Altadis being the largest cigar company in the world.Power of buyers: Buyers are willing to pay premium price for quality cigars, therefore, the power of the buyer is very minimal, as cigar enthusiast have increased worldwide. Threats of substitutes: The threat of substitutes is higher, where the actual tobacco seed has been farmed in locations outside of Cuba, including the United States, Dominican Republic, and Hon duras. As noted in the Case, 250 million cigars were exported to the United States from the Dominican Republic. Competitive Rivalry: Rivalry in the Cuban cigar industry is extremely high, where the industry growth has tapered off because of intense competition.Projections were high in the nineties for Cuban Cigar imports; however, with the fear of loss in quality and exclusivity of the cigars, the projections were lessened. Even though there has been a steady increase in exports, it has not been heavy, exhibiting the fact that there are few ââ¬Å"realâ⬠producers of Cuban cigars. 2. Given the previous analysis, based on Porterââ¬â¢s Five Forces model, I would without a question invest in the Cuban cigar industry. For a few decades now, the industry has been on the rise, with cigar connoisseurs always remaining loyal and faithful to their preferred brands of cigars.At first, the tobacco firms were increasing their production rapidly, all the while trying to maintain and impr ove quality, however, that was too difficult of a task, so in turn, Ana Lopez, the head marketer for Habanos S. A. changed their focus and decided to keep working at improving quality at any expense. The quality remains, and with that remains a set group of cigar buyers, who would rarely stray from a brand that they have become affixed to. Specifically, I would target my investments towards the distributors of the cigars, as they not only supply Havana or Cuban cigars to the world, but also many other popular brands and types.The main barriers that exist in investing in the Cuban Cigar industry are the U. S. trade embargo as well as the type of government ruling over Cuba, Communist. The trade embargo puts a huge blemish on Cuban cigar export numbers, where the numbers could be increasingly high. Furthermore, because of the Communist government in place, it isnââ¬â¢t always easy for competitors to start new ventures, or to keep profits on the rise. 3. My decision would remain the same; I would still invest in the Cuban cigar industry, even if the trade embargo is lifted.However, the difference in the analysis comes in the situations of rivalry, new entrants and power of the buyers. All of these would change completely with trade being allowed to the United States, who stakes claim to more than 500million premium cigar imports a year, of which, zero are ââ¬Å"officiallyâ⬠Cuban cigars. If the U. S. were to lay stake in the Cuban cigar industry, the entire market would be revamped, with competitors springing up everywhere, buyers gaining more control, and competitive rivalry going on the rise.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Interpreter of Maladies Analysis
Jhumpa Lahiriââ¬â¢s, ââ¬Å"Interpreter of Maladies,â⬠tells the story of a family on a trip who consistently face communication issues and Mr. Kapasi, a much wiser man, who is expected to repair the problems of the family. Throughout the story, we learn about the dysfunctions of both the Das and Kapasi family. While some may argue that Lahiri does not believe in the power of communication, it is self evident that Lahiri does in fact believe in the power of communication.We know that he believes in the power of communication because he presents to us a family with no communication and all the issues that can be solved should they communicate with each other. Some people may argue that Lahiri does not believe in the power of communication, and that communication may kill a relationship. Communication is a sign of trust, youââ¬â¢re opening up to someone, and Mrs. Das did just that with Mr. Kapasi when she made her revelation. ââ¬Å"Is it really pain you feel, Mrs.Das or is it guilt?â⬠¦ properly insulted â⬠(66). This quote suggests the ultimate end to their relationship, because we know after this quote she walks out on him and back to her husband. Mr. Kapasi was asking this question because he knew that Mrs. Das was guilty, he found out what was wrong with her and she wonââ¬â¢t have it. This argument can be rebutted in the future of the story because we see that Mr. Kapasi still cares about Mrs. Das because he doesn't want her to be scared or in the end where Mrs.Das tells Mr. Kapasi to save her son from the monkeys, not Mr. Das. Lahiri presents to us the communication issues that the Das family has multiple times throughout the story and constantly uses it throughout the story as a theme. The conversation between Mrs. Das and Mr. Das shows us the lack of communication and even care the Das family has for their kids, ââ¬Å"Mr. and Mrs. Das bickered about who should take Tina to the toiletâ⬠¦ she did not hold the little girlââ¬â¢s h and as they walked to the restroomâ⬠(43).The fact that Mr. Das has to remind his wife that he gave Tina a bath shows that neither parent is aware what the other does with their kids, t`he bickering itself suggests problems in the relationship. ââ¬Å"She did not hold the little girlââ¬â¢s handâ⬠suggests a lack of connection and care that Mrs. Das has for Tina because she refuses to hold her daughters hand. Hold a daughters hand has always been a symbol of love, care, and protection, Ms. Das indicates to have neither of these.In the end of the story, we see that after Mrs. Das letââ¬â¢s out what she has been feeling we see much more interest and awareness on the kids, ââ¬Å"Poor Bobby.. Come here, let Mommy fix your hair. â⬠This quote shows that Mrs. Das is accepting motherhood and no longer is the ââ¬Å"big sisterâ⬠she was compared to previously. After communicating with Mr. Kapasi she can finally be the mom she long desired to be, even if it meant lea ving her past behind, including Mr. Kapasi
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
A Good Man Is Hard To Find - Foreshadowing
A Good Man Is Hard To Find Foreshadowing Essay In A Good Man is Hard to Find, by Flannery OConnor, one is struck by the unexpected violence at the end of the story. However, if one re-reads the story as second time, one will see definite signs of foreshadowing of the ending. In the course of this story, OConnor uses strong imagery to foreshadow the people and the events in this story. There are three significant times she uses this technique. They are the description of the grandmothers dress, the death of the family, and the conversation between the Misfit and the grandmother. The grandmother did not want to go to Florida; she ironically dresses in her Sunday best. She was dressed very nicely with, ;A navy blue dress with a small white dot in the print. Her collars and cuffs were white organdy trimmed with lace and at her neckline she had pinned a purple spray of cloth violets containing a sachet.; (11). A strong foreshadowing imagery can be seen in these lines. Knowing the ending of the story, the grandmothers elaborate dress symbolizes a preparation for her coffin. When a person dies, they are usually dressed in their best outfit, just like the grandmother was dressed in what seemed to be in her Sunday best. A stronger foreshadowing is when OConnor states the reason for the grandmothers beautiful dress, In case of an accident, anyone seeing her dead on the highway would know at once that she was a lady. (11). She herself predicts her own death. Unfortunately, she does not know this yet. Not only does OConnor foreshadow the grandmothers death, she foreshadows the deaths of the rest of the family. The foreshadowing of the familys death is very evident when they ;passed by a cotton field with five or six graves fenced in the middle of it, like a small island.; (12). It is not an accident that the numbers of graves ;five or six; matches the exact number of people in the car. There are 5 people and a baby. Since a baby in not exactly a full person, it is appropriate to say ;five or six.; This foreshadowing image leads into the next one: ;Look at the grave!; the grandmother said, pointing it out. ;That was the old family burying ground. That belonged to the plantation.; ;Wheres the plantation? John Wesley asked. Gone With the Wind, said grandmother. Ha. Ha. (12). The grandmothers reference to the plantation as ;gone with the wind; can be seen as an image foreshadowing and symbolism of the familys state at the end of the story. Their souls are gone with the wind in death. Finally, a foreshadowing image is shown in the Misfit and the grandmothers conversation towards the end. He says ;Does it seem right to you, lady, that one is punished a heap and another aint punished at all? (28). It is known here that the Misfit will kill the grandmother. After all she aint punished; for her crime of hypocrisy, self-centerness, and lying. The Misfit plays God and inflicts punishment where he sees necessary. In conclusion, Flannery OConnor uses strong imagery to foreshadow the ending of A Good Man is Hard to Find. She uses numerous images such as the grandmothers dress, the graveyard, and the conversation with the Misfit to foreshadow the characters future and events. Her foreshadowing images are both strong and difficult, so it does not spoil the end of the story. .
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Education Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Education Management - Essay Example N., J.J. Van Muijen, and P. Koopman, 2003, 19-34). Therefore, the recent adding of NME raises lawful questions concerning the underlying principle or require for this new field. One strength quarrels that all management is basically the similar and consequently that nonprofit executive should take MBA and other time-tested management amounts. Strategic View of This Activity Strategy Management of manufacturing enterprise engrosses the harmonization of human attempt and fabric resources toward the attainment of organizational objectives. Furthermore, the essential objectives of manufacturing associations in any country are financial in natural world, and in the end reflect the requirements of civilization for useful goods and armed forces (Dalal, N.P., Quible, A., & Wyatt, K, 2002, 607-621). This is true whether the venture is a confidential business attempting to attain a desired height of profitability, or a community entity attempt to fulfill a manufacture plan recognized by condition establishment. In the final psychoanalysis, all manufacturing enterprise are social organization, and their continued existence is in a straight line connected to their aptitude to give useful goods and services, regardless of whether these merchandise and armed forces are inspired by other associations, the administration, or the community at great (Drucker P. F, 2001, 88-93). According to the expert analysis the basic difficulty of engineering management, from society's end of view, is to turn out to be steadily additional efficient over occasion. Growing productive competence is usually careful a desirable goal for executives in most civilizations. No doubt, in fact, rising productive competence may be regard as the basic... From this discussion it is clear thatà management of manufacturing enterprise engrosses the harmonization of human attempt and fabric resources toward the attainment of organizational objectives. Furthermore, the essential objectives of manufacturing associations in any country are financial in natural world, and in the end reflect the requirements of civilization for useful goods and armed forces. This is true whether the venture is a confidential business attempting to attain a desired height of profitability, or a community entity attempt to fulfill a manufacture plan recognized by condition establishment. In the final psychoanalysis, all manufacturing enterprise are social organization, and their continued existence is in a straight line connected to their aptitude to give useful goods and services, regardless of whether these merchandise and armed forces are inspired by other associations, the administration, or the community at great.As the paper highlightsà some kind of ed ucation passes on some information. But it is the type and deepness of information and skill imparted from side to side teaching and preparation that are vital in connection with the excellence of managerial presentation. In this study we are paying attention not merely in the only quantitative aspect of Soviet teaching and training that narrate to management progress, but also in the excellence and satisfied of them.
Monday, October 7, 2019
Probation and Parole vs. Incarceration - Cost Comparison Essay
Probation and Parole vs. Incarceration - Cost Comparison - Essay Example This may be due to some reasons which, for instance, may include some probationers may have committed a minimal offense which is not severe (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2015). Parole on the other hand, refers to law offenders who are conditionally released from prison to serve the remaining term of their sentence in the community. The offenders may be released by a parole board decision (Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2015). According to the research done in 2008, the mean cost of incarceration was over $23,000 per inmate in the United States. The correctional spending by local and state governments was approximated to have been 52 billion dollars. These costs arose upon conviction and subsequent imprisonment for parole prisoners. 35 percent of the 1.4 million convicts imprisoned in the jails and state prisons are imprisoned for parole violations. This was according to the department of justice in the United States (Criminal Justice Section, 2012). Increase in prison population has grown enormously leading to sanction of state budgets. Therefore the state needs more effective correction policies. For instance, individuals who pose the greatest threat to the community should be sentenced to imprisonment but alternatives such as early freedom should be given to the individuals who pose minimal risks. They can greatly benefit from outside rehabilitation efforts posted in correctional institution. Individuals who post low-risks to the community should not be put in incarceration. When this is done, the individual is separated from family life; work and offenly fail to address the issues that caused initial violations (Criminal Justice Section, 2012). So, the individuals who face parole and probation benefit from transitional sanction such as fines, home detention, and community service or increased reporting. The state of Maryland, for instance, had to deal with considerable budget
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Business Management in Nursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Business Management in Nursing - Assignment Example Being a business, the nurses are expected to put in effort to the achievement of that businessââ¬â¢s objectives using effective staff and financial management resources. It is for this reason that Business management in Nursing is being offered; to empower nurses to be effective in managing the business aspect of nursing. This paper develops a syllabus for Business management in Nursing. Keywords: learner, nursing, business management Syllabus for Business Management in Nursing Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Contact Hours: Semester, Year: Telephone: E-Mail: Course Information 1. Course Description This is course is aimed at preparing students to meet the changing business management expectation of the present health care services. The students shall also learn about the changing trends in healthcare industry, the changing roles of nurses from bedside practice to middle management and the business aspect of healthcare in general. Students shall also learn of how the nurses can c ontribute to the success of the healthcare business using effective staff and financial management resources. 2. Course Content The following key topics shall be covered in this course; Management functions and decision making in which case topics under management like planning, staffing, directing, organizing and controlling shall be covered. In addition managerial roles like, decisional, informational, and interpersonal that assist in decision making shall also be covered. In addition the fourteen principles of management as put forward by Henry Fayol shall also be covered and how they are applicable in nursing. Employee and Healthcare organizational development in which case issues like change-management plan, organizational problem identification and resolution, behavioral-science knowledge, organizational behavior, linear and holistic organizational development, and the business management code of ethics shall be covered. Staff and Financial Resource Management in which case su b topics like budgeting and finance, human resource management, procurement, whole-school engagement to resource allocation, and an in-depth understanding and interpretation of financial statement information shall be covered. 3. Methods of Instruction The instructor will make use of case studies, lecturers, videos, student experiences and responses, guest speakers and questions and exercises from main reading materials. Student Outcomes and Expected Competencies 1. Competencies Students taking this course should have done BBM 101 (Principles of Business Management) and BNM 204 (Nursing Management). 2. Student Outcomes By taking this course, the learner should have the ability to; Display knowledge of the changing trends in nursing healthcare by; clearly examining and understanding the changing roles of nurses from bedside practitioners to middle management level managers; clearly interpreting the changing perspective of the health industry in which the health care practice is viewe d as business and the nurses are required to manage that business well; clearly demonstrating that he or she can apply the knowledge obtained about business management In the nursing perspective. Apply the five management functions of planning, controlling, staffing, organizing and directing to the nursing practice efficiently. Exhibit a strong business knowledge and orientation in the healthcare industry. Design organizational system to solve practical
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Eulogy for Willy Loman Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Eulogy for Willy Loman - Essay Example We got married and I became his legal, and beloved wife all his life. We had two children who happened to be both boys. Our sons are named Happy Loman and Biff Loman. Happy is a businessperson and Biff Loman who is a good athlete and is the late Willyââ¬â¢s eldest son. The deceased was a brother to the late Ben. My brother in law Ben was an elder brother and a mentor to my husband. The late Willy was an industrious man who worked under Howard Hagner as a salesperson for a period of 34 years. He worked through the vicissitudes of his employment with meager wages, and tirelessly tried to ensure that we educated our two sons and offered necessary guidance when it came to our sonsââ¬â¢ future success and prosperity. When he met his death, he was always on board since his job involved a lot of travelling to different cities. He was mobile, traversing the country also lived in Boston where we had another house. In spite of being regarded a non realist, I knew my husband liked people and was liked back by our neighbors among them Charlie and will be remembered for he was fond of playing cards. He maintained good relations with his employer and enjoyed in the greatest bit his work. Willy was a loving husband and greatly loved by his wife Linda. He was a father with resolute and strong stand on matters that pertain to our sons irrespective of being viewed not to be in touch with realism. Before he met his death, my husband was involved in a series of unexplained accidents unt il the recent one that ultimately killed him. He always survived these accidents. However, before the final accident, he uttered decisive words just before he left the house. He was upset and mentioned to me something related to his funeral attendance and how it will have a multitude. These words he told me, are those that today make his death presumed a suicide. Nevertheless, my husband died on road carnage just like he previously did but the latter was severe and
Friday, October 4, 2019
Separation of Power in U.S. Government Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Separation of Power in U.S. Government - Essay Example for the elaboration of the ground rules on which the American state had to be based, that the concentration of all powers in a single pair of hands was not acceptable and could possibly lead to usurpation of power. Thus, the framers of the American Constitution began their work on this monumental document having regard to the above. In 1748, long before the United States of America gained independence in 1776, The Spirit of the Laws, a book written by the Baron de Montesquieu, laid down conditions of separate branches of power with different tasks and responsibilities (Vile, 1967). This doctrine was used by the framers of the American Constitution. In 1786 twelve states of the USA slated 74 delegates who had to participate in the creation of the Constitution. The constitutional process was initiated by the Federal Convention that took place in Philadelphia in December of 1786 and the first half of 1787. Some of the delegates never arrived to Philadelphia to take part in the Convention and put a priority on other issues of state formation. A State of Rhode Island, for instance, did not send its representatives to the Convention taking with a grain of salt the constitutional process per se for some reasons (Carey, 2009). Hence, out of 74 registered delegates only 55 attended the Federal Convention. Those who took active part and contributed greatly to the creation of the Constitution of the United States of America shared the principles of the separation of powers and adhered to this doctrine all the way down. The separation of powers in the American Constitution is based on a simple concept, according to which there must be three independent branches of the government with different functions. Thus, under the Constitution of the USA the government consists of the legislative, executive and judicial branches that have limited functions and balance each other in order to avoid the accumulation of powers within one authority. This concept is one of the cornerstones
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